Thursday, July 24, 2008

New Game Plan

I know that no one reads this. I'm ok with that because I am writing it purely for me. I am trying to get into this NS who is supposed to be the best. I have found in the last week that it's time to start getting serious about taking the tumor out in the back of my head. I know that this would be a good thing but scary also. I just don't know how to feel but numb.
My boys are oblivious to everything which is good. They know what I have and they know that I am fighting it the best way that I know how. They are helping me to make good food choices and in the process making great choices for themselves. We alternate nights for meal planning. Matthews night was grilled cheese with Tomatoe soup and fresh steamed broccoli. Timothy's meal was Mac and Cheese with steamed carrots and hot dogs. Now, I know those aren't the best meals but the fact that they incorporated veggies into it helps. They also went to the grocery store with me and picked out fruits for snacks and baked crackers. Along with this I treated them to some low fat ice cream treats. They are loving it. I just hope that my energy level comes back soon.
Tonight on the menue is Turkey meat loaf with corn on the cob and probably red potatoes. It just depends on how tired I am when I get home from work.
My Game Plan
To get my tests on Monday
Get a new NS that will listen to me and actually read and study my tests
Get Healthy
Start Exercising....

This is just to start and hopefully it works. I like the fact that the kids are interested in this as well. They are so helpful and I am luck to have them in my life. My hubby is completely supportive of me and my cutting back at work. He is worried that I am doing too much and I am too. He knows I don't have the energy to pull a full work week anymore. I will write more later because I need to get ready for work.....

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