Wednesday, August 13, 2008

What Now???

Well, when it rains it pours. I'm trying to stay strong and I'm trying to keep going but it just seems as if I'm banging my head into a brick wall. That which doesn't kill us only makes us stronger???? If that's the case I have a whole family of the strongest superheros ever.
As if Matthews kidney stones and 4 surgeries weren't we had to throw in a whole bunch of brain tumors and a big long disease for me. You can call me Neurofibromatosis Type 2 Mom!!!! Up Up and Away!!!
But seriously.... With all of this stress and a pending major surgery in two weeks we now found out that we need to move or take on a $400.00 rent increase. What the heck???? As if Derek doesn't have enough on his plate working hard labor just to stay local and take care of me and the boys and still pay the bills. We'll just throw in moving to a new home. Not to mention finding the home and then actually coming up with the money for the home. The place we found is smaller and more expensive. What Now???
I'm trying to stay positive. Don't get me wrong. I keep thinking about the good things about the new place and the fact that it has full size Washer and Dryer and not a stackable. We need help. I hate asking and taking and boy when I'm better I want to make it my mission to be able to help out families in need just like us.
My kids...... It's been rough on them to deal with all of the things going on with their mom. Now, they get to move and go to a new school and I just think it's too much change. I see our youngest rebelling. Our oldest is overly emotional and this is just the beginning.
I'm going to write to the newspapers and stations again today. I hope someone answers and helps to give us some hope.
Wish me luck!!!

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